Your Smile, Your Dentist, and You

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Building a better smile includes following a prevention plan to address the oral health risks in your day-to-day life. Ideally, you will need to make sure you are protecting your teeth and gums. If you are at risk for certain oral health ailments, you will need to adjust your dental hygiene routine accordingly. Your dentist can review your dental history to see you routinely suffer from cavities.

For additional help with the oral health care, it is important to visit your dentist for routine cleanings and examinations. We can provide treatments and restorations if needed. We also can provide a complete diagnosis to determine if you are at risk for specific problems in the future.

To help keep your smile safe, it is important to exercise caution with your diet. If you are making unhealthy dietary choices, you can cause problems for your smile. Sugars and starches can cause dental erosion and cavities. Furthermore, many individuals don’t think about the oral health risks associated with oral accidents and injuries associated with biting into hard food. Hard candies and snacks can chip and crack your teeth.

Are you in need of an oral health care assessment from Fleming Dental? If so, contact our team at 919-682-5327 to schedule a visit to our dentist office in Durham, North Carolina. We will help you in any way we can!