If you are serious about your dental health, you are probably diligent about keeping your six month deep dental cleanings. But for those who are dental phobic, or have fallen behind on dental cleanings, there are other times that might warrant a visit to the dental chair.
Read on to see if any of these conditions might apply to you:
–Do you have a missing tooth or teeth?
–Do you have bleeding, puffy, red or tender gums?
–Do you have mouth sores that recur or won’t go away?
–Do you consistently have dry mouth?
–Do you have a toothache or pain in the mouth that doesn’t go away?
–Do you frequently use tobacco?
–Do you have pain in your jaw when you chew, open or close your mouth, or when you wake up?
–Do you have serious ongoing medical conditions like heart disease or diabetes?
–Are you pregnant?
–Are you undergoing treatment such as chemotherapy? Radiation? Hormone Replacement Therapy?
–Have you ever had dental fillings, implants such as crowns, dentures or bridges?
Any of these may indicate the need to see your dentist. For immediate relief such as a toothache, bleeding gums or any sort of pain in the mouth, a dentist can locate the cause and recommend treatment. For other issues, such as other illnesses and treatments, you may be more susceptible to infection and slower healing due to a compromised immune system.
Also, if you have ever had previous dental work, you will want to have your dentist make sure the implants, crowns, dentures or fillings are in good shape and functioning as intended. Things can wear out over time, or sometimes they develop cracks or need to be replaced. Keeping cavities in check can also keep a root canal at bay.
Taking care of yourself involves your physical and oral health. A good daily oral hygiene routine and a regular visits to your dentist can ensure a lifetime of health smiles! Please contact our office at 919-682-5327 if you have any questions, concerns, or any of the signs listed above and would like to be seen.