Toothbrush Care Tips 101

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Did you know there are things you need to do to care for your toothbrush? Well, it’s true! In fact, if your toothbrush is dirty, then you are brushing your teeth with a dirty toothbrush. That is why it is essential to keep your smile clean and free from bacteria that could be threatening your smile from your toothbrush.

To help you learn how to keep your toothbrush clean, our experienced dentist with Fleming Dental in Durham, North Carolina, has provided you with these tips:

– Did you know that your toothbrush needs to be properly cleaned and maintained so it can continue to help you and your overall health? It’s true!
– It’s a well-known fact that using someone else’s toothbrush can open you up to several new oral health risks. Along the same lines, never let anyone else use your toothbrush, even if they are family members.
– Your brushing routines depend on a healthy toothbrush. If your toothbrush is contaminated or slowly starting to wear down, it will need to be replaced.
– Youth toothbrushes need to be replaced more often than adult toothbrushes.
– Always use a soft-bristled toothbrush that will not contribute to dental abrasion.
– Make sure that each toothbrush you use can easily and effectively fit in your mouth to clean all areas and sides of each tooth.
– Never store your toothbrush in an area where other people can use it or in areas where other toothbrushes can come into contact with it.

As you can see, toothbrush care is easy, and if applied, you can help keep your oral health in excellent shape. If you are in need of dental treatment, or if it’s time for a dental checkup, please call us today at 919-682-5327 to make an appointment. Dr. Alex Fleming and our team look forward to your call.