Should You Be Wearing a Mouthguard?

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During intense physical activity, there is a general rule that mouthguards should be worn. There are some sports that require a mouthguard, but others do not. This does not mean you should not wear one if the sport doesn’t not require it. In fact, a mouthguard will help protect your mouth and smile from serious injury.

Luckily, there are different type of mouthguards available. For example, you could choose to buy a mouthguard at a store—however, these generally don’t fit your unique smile well, and therefore offer limited protection. You could also choose boil and bite mouthguards, which are also popular because they create a better fit. However, in reality, a mouthguard you get from your dentist is your best option because it is custom made for your smile.

Custom guards are designed to be comfortable and to offer you the most protection possible. They can even help improve your performance because they do allow for more oxygen to flow through your mouth. Similarly, unlike store-bought mouthguards, custom guards do not affect speech.

If you are interested in learning more about your mouthguard options, we can help. Our dentist, Dr. Alex Fleming, and our team will help with any questions and concerns you may have. Just contact Fleming Dental at 919-682-5327 to schedule an appointment.