Keeping Your Mouthguard in Good Shape

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If you play a sport, or are involved recreation that carries any risk of an impact to your mouth and teeth, you should have a mouthguard to protect your teeth. Not only do you need a mouthguard to protect your teeth, if you wear braces or any have any other orthodontic work, a mouthguard will protect that as well.

There are three types of mouthguards: stock, boil-and-bite, and custom-made. Stock mouthguards are purchased in stores and offer basic protection. Boil-and-bite mouthguards are placed in boiling water and when they have cooled, you bite into them so that they will conform to the shape of your teeth. Custom made mouthguards are crafted from an impression made from your bite and offer the best protection for your smile.

Brush and rinse your teeth before you put your mouthguard in, and after you take it out. This will help reduce the amount of bacteria being transmitted between your mouth and the guard. When you are done using your mouthguard, brush it and rinse it well to remove any bacteria that may be on it. You should dry it thoroughly and place it in a vented container so that the air can get to it.

Avoid the temptation to chew on your mouthguard since doing so can create holes and cracks in the surface. Those holes and cracks can provide breeding places for bacteria. If your mouthguard is pitted or cracked, it should be replaced, and you should purchase a new mouthguard at the start of your sports season.

If you are in need of a mouthguard for playing sports, recreating, or even to wear on the job, see our dentist Dr. Alex Fleming to have a custom mouthguard made for you. If you want to make an appointment at Fleming Dental in Durham, North Carolina, call 919-682-5327 today.