Keep your jaw joints in optimum condition. Within your jaw lies a set of ball-and-socket joints called your temporomandibular joints, or TMJs for short. If these joints are damaged, a TMJ disorder will occur. If you are saddled with a TMJ disorder, your entire mouth may suffer. Fortunately, there are many helpful remedies you can use to help treat your ailment.
If you experience any sort of discomfort or pain, heat packs are a welcome remedy. For inflammation and swelling, ice packs are helpful. Although your TMJ disorder may be a standalone incident, other disorders can make it worse. If you suffer from sleep bruxism, which is a sleep disorder caused by grinding and clenching your teeth as you sleep, it can harm your jaw even further.
One of the main causes of TMJ disorders is often the presence of stress. Although stress can be hard to tame, there are a few remedies that can help. Try relaxing with calming therapies such as calming music, yoga, and biofeedback. If none of these help, meditation is also a great idea. Keeping your body stress free will help prevent further problems from wriggling their way into your oral health care.
If you would like to schedule your TMJ disorder treatment at Fleming Dental or would like a comprehensive oral exam from Dr. Alex Fleming and our team at our dentist office in Durham, North Carolina, please give us a call at 919-682-5327. Come in and become a success story with a whiter, brighter smile today.