With summer almost hear you may be planning a family road trip or a romantic getaway for a few days. Whatever your travel plans may be, you need to make sure that your teeth are up to the trip. The start of summer is a great time to schedule everyone for a dental cleaning and exam with our dentist, Dr.... read more »
Our dentist, Dr. Alex Fleming, wants you to have the top-notch smile and oral health you deserve. This is why he encourages you to properly clean and care for your teeth and gums regularly. One way you can care for them is by avoiding oral piercings. Little did you know, oral piercings can severely damage your smile. In fact, some... read more »
If you ever watch professional sports, you’ve seen athletes playing with their mouthguards. It makes sense that professional athletes need a mouthguard, but are they necessary for an average weekend warrior? Well, it depends on what you’re doing, and the risk presented to your teeth. Today, we’ll look at moments when you’ll need a mouthguard, and which type will be... read more »
Our team at Fleming Dental is pleased to offer TMJ dentistry so that patients can receive treatment for jaw problems associated with their facial muscles. Today we list a few potential treatments for TMJ disorder to help you better understand your options for improving jaw health. Your temporomandibular joints (TMJ) are the structures that attach your lower jaw to your... read more »
Did you know there are things you need to do to care for your toothbrush? Well, it’s true! In fact, if your toothbrush is dirty, then you are brushing your teeth with a dirty toothbrush. That is why it is essential to keep your smile clean and free from bacteria that could be threatening your smile from your toothbrush. To... read more »
Sometimes the only way to treat a badly decayed or traumatized tooth is to have our dentist, Dr. Alex Fleming extract it. This will also remove all remnants of the roots from the gums, alleviate pain, and prevent a potential infection. After your extraction, the dentist mayl likely provide you with a prescription for pain medication. If a dental abscess... read more »
Building a better smile includes following a prevention plan to address the oral health risks in your day-to-day life. Ideally, you will need to make sure you are protecting your teeth and gums. If you are at risk for certain oral health ailments, you will need to adjust your dental hygiene routine accordingly. Your dentist can review your dental history... read more »
We are constantly being asked about natural teeth whitening trends our patients have read about online, in magazines, or heard about from close friends. Whiter, brighter teeth are a much sought after goal in modern society. But what about safety and effectiveness? Today, we're going to look at three commonly touted remedies: First on the list, using lemon juice and... read more »
Minor dental fractures and chips that are limited to a tooth’s enamel layer don’t always cause immediate distress or sensitivity. Yet you shouldn’t let the lack of initial discomfort lull you into a false sense of security. As time goes on the aberrations in the tooth’s enamel layer can start to accumulate food particles, plaque, and other bacterial deposits. This... read more »
Your dentist, Dr. Alex Fleming, encourages you to protect your smile with a mouthguard when you play high-contact sports and participate in activities that can damage your smile. But what is a mouthguard? To help you know more about this beneficial appliance, our dental team is happy to share some details. A mouthguard is a strong, protective device that is... read more »