Your temporomandibular joints, also called TMJs, are indispensable for a fully functioning mouth. These are the joints within your jaw that complete the complex process of chewing and moving your mouth. They can easily sustain long-term damage due to the constant wear they sustain, resulting in what is called TMJ disorder. Listed below are important facts regarding TMJ disorder:
– You can exacerbate a TMJ disorder if you bite your nails, chew gum, or eat extremely chewy foods.
– Although meditation treatments may not seem the best remedy for jaw pain, it might just surprise you.
– Relaxation is helpful for releasing jaw pressure that arises from stress. Try soft music, massage, yoga, and biofeedback.
– Although not all TMJ disorders are accompanied by other ailments, you may find traces to underlying causes. Sometimes TMJ disorders can be produced by bruxism or teeth grinding.
– To ensure your smile is properly treated, have heat and ice packs ready for any pain or inflammation that may occur.
If you are looking to restore your TMJs or enhance your smile further, you can call Dr. Alex Fleming and our team at Fleming Dental in Durham, North Carolina at 919-682-5327 to book a reservation. We can get you on the path to smiles for miles!