Oral health care techniques for the summer season can have a drastic effect on your smile. With better oral health care, you can makeover your smile and receive the sparkling set of pearly whites you once only dreamed of.
Listed below are some remarkable habits that can be used to improve your oral health:
– Always schedule and appear at your bi-annual professional cleanings and oral examinations with your dentist.
– Avoid any products or pills that cause dry mouth and lead to tooth decay and gum disease.
– Shield your teeth and gums from physical damage by always wearing appropriate safety gear and equipment when playing sports or other high-risk activities.
– Always shield your mouth from bacteria that causes bad breath, by brushing your tongue, teeth, and gums and using mouthwash if necessary.
– Use the proper effort required when brushing and flossing, and for additional protection, use supplemental cleaning products such as chewing gum and mouthwash after a meal to lower the risk of tooth decay.
If you would like to schedule an oral exam at Fleming Dental, simply call our dentist office in Durham, North Carolina, at our number 919-682-5327. Dr. Alex Fleming and our entire team look forward to making your smile shine!