What Can a Custom Mouthguard do for You?

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You might have heard that brushing and flossing your teeth is crucial if you’re interested in protecting your teeth. However, did you know that there are other things you should do, such as wearing a mouthguard while you play sports?

Still, did you know that there are a number of mouthguard options you should consider? Naturally, there are store bought mouthguards you could choose, but these types of mouthguards may not fit as well as they should. This is a problem that can leave you more vulnerable to injury. Similarly, store bought mouthguards probably won’t be very comfortable.

Another option you should contemplate is a custom mouthguard. These mouthguards will fit better, making them more comfortable and better at protecting your teeth. Custom mouthguards could even help you breathe better while you’re playing sports. Some store bought mouthguards might also block your airflow, which could be dangerous since your body needs oxygen. Some also claim that you could actually breathe better with a custom mouthguard than you would be able to without a mouthguard.

Do you have more questions about the benefits of a custom mouthguard in Durham, North Carolina? If so, please feel free to give Fleming Dental a call at 919-682-5327. Dr. Alex Fleming and our team will gladly answer questions you may have and inspect your pearly whites for signs of trouble. We’re eager to receive your call soon.